NGO Japan SriLanka International Cultural
and Social Development Foundation(JSICSF)
2008年4月7日 スリランカ社会福祉省非政府組織課認可
registered as a Voluntary Social Services / Non Governmental Organization,
at the Division for Non Governmental Organizations in the Ministry of Social Welfare, in Sri Lanka.
Hon. President
Chief Sanghanayaka
Ven. Yalagamuwe Dhammissara
Hon. Secretary
Dr. Lakshman Gamini Jayawardhana
................................................................................Hon. Treasurer
Chief Incumbent
Ven. Ankumbure Amarawansa
- 日本とスリランカの文化、社会経済的連携の開発と強化
- 仏教哲学、ヨーガ、瞑想の国内および国外普及
- 仏教哲学とスリランカ文化の国際研究拠点としての活動
- スリランカにおける貧困と食料危機問題の教育
- 持続可能な環境の維持管理に関わる事業・研究
- 国内水産業の振興
- スリランカにおける就学前および初等教育児童の健康管理と教育
- 地域の障害者、高齢者のリハビリテーション
- 技術教育、職業訓練による青年層の活力強化
- 薬物中毒者のリハビリと薬物乱用の予防
- スリランカの先住民族と市民の平和的共生の推進
- 自然災害や紛争による難民生活、困窮生活で生じる心理的ストレスやトラウマの治療
- ヒト免疫不全ウィルス/エイズ、結核、蚊が媒介する感染症の予防と治療
- スリランカの伝統医学・アーユルヴェーダによる慢性疾患治療の国際普及活動
Aims and Objectives
- Development and strengthening of cultural and socio-Economic linkages between Japan and Sri Lanka.
- Propagation of Buddhist Philosophy / Yoga / Meditation locally and Internationally.
- Establishment of an international research center on Buddhist Philosophy and culture in Sri Lanka.
- Education of poverty and food insecurity in Sri Lanka.
- Sustainable environmental management.
- Promotion of inland fishing industry.
- Health and Education of Pre and Primary School children in Sri Lanka.
- Community based rehabilitation of persons with disabilities and the elderly.
- Empowerment of Youth with Technical / vocational education.
- Rehabilitation of drug addicts and prevention of drug abuse.
- Advocacy for peace and co-existence among old ethnic groups or citizens in SriLanka.
- Combat post conflict or natural disaster; psychological stress/trauma of internally displaced and destitute populations.
- Prevention and control 0f HIV/AIDS,T.B. and old mosquito bone diseases.
- Propagation of Indigenous Medicine / Ayurvedic system of Medicine in other countries to treat successfully many chronic illnesses.